This feature does not include handle exchanging money. If you want to sell your tickets you can use our TicketSwap resales system.

Which tickets are eligible?

Ticket transfers are only available for certain ticket types and at certain times. For details about which tickets are eligible please contact the event organizer.

Transferring your tickets to someone else

Transferring tickets is quick and easy and is controlled from your download page.

  1. Scroll down to the the end of your download page and click the "Transfer Your Tickets" link. Your download page can be accessed via your original ticket purchase email (click here if you’ve lost the email).
  2. Select the tickets you’d like to transfer, fill in the recipient’s info and we’ll email them a link to claim their tickets.
  3. Once they’ve claimed their tickets we’ll cancel your originals and create new tickets for the recipient.

Until the recipient claims their tickets you’ll have the option to cancel the transfer. Once the recipient claims the tickets the transfer becomes permanent.

Receiving transferred tickets

When the sender uses our secure ticket transfer feature you’ll get an email with a link to review and claim the tickets. Some events will disable transfers shortly before the event begins, so be sure to claim your tickets as soon you get the email.

Click through and you’ll be taken to your secure download page where you can download the tickets. That’s it – the tickets are now yours!

Please note: just because your name is printed on a ticket does not mean it is legitimate. All secure ticket transfers require you to review the tickets on this website before they are transferred to your name. You’ll know your ticket is legit if you received a transfer email from Tickit and you can download the tickets directly from this website.

Which tickets are eligible?

Ticket transfers are only available for certain ticket types and at certain times. For details about which tickets are eligible please contact the event organizer.

Transferring your tickets to someone else

Transferring tickets is quick and easy and is controlled from your download page.

  1. Scroll down to the the end of your download page and click the "Transfer Your Tickets" link. Your download page can be accessed via your original ticket purchase email (click here if you’ve lost the email).
  2. Select the tickets you’d like to transfer, fill in the recipient’s info and we’ll email them a link to claim their tickets.
  3. Once they’ve claimed their tickets we’ll cancel your originals and create new tickets for the recipient.

Until the recipient claims their tickets you’ll have the option to cancel the transfer. Once the recipient claims the tickets the transfer becomes permanent.

Receiving transferred tickets

When the sender uses our secure ticket transfer feature you’ll get an email with a link to review and claim the tickets. Some events will disable transfers shortly before the event begins, so be sure to claim your tickets as soon you get the email.

Click through and you’ll be taken to your secure download page where you can download the tickets. That’s it – the tickets are now yours!

Please note: just because your name is printed on a ticket does not mean it is legitimate. All secure ticket transfers require you to review the tickets on this website before they are transferred to your name. You’ll know your ticket is legit if you received a transfer email from Tickit and you can download the tickets directly from this website.